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The Key to Success at Canon Production Printing
Henk Stolk "Reliability Engineer": The Key to Success at Canon Production Printing
People mainly look at quality when solving problems. Very important, of course, but for the long term it is much more about reliability than purely about quality.
Reliability Specialist - Holland Innovative
People mainly look at quality when solving problems. Very important, of course, but for the long term it is much more about reliability than purely about quality.Read the story
Most people and organizations are focused on the fast delivery of a well-functioning product, rather than investigating how and when a defect or failure could occur or how to extend or modify the lifespan of a product. Supplier contracts rarely contain reliability requirements, which means that investments are only made when failures occur, but at significantly higher costs.
We strive to make an impact, and a permanent one at that. The complexity of your challenge and the dynamics of both the organization and the market require impactful solutions. Whether it’s a training, project management support or coaching on the job, we team up to share our knowledge for long term innovation success.
Investing in reliability engineering will minimize failures.
Investing in reliability engineering will lower warranty costs.
Investing in reliability engineering will reduce recalls.
Investing in reliability engineering will contribute positively to your product and company image.
Our experts are trained to observe and identify your challenges from a fresh perspective, finding the best solution for your specific situation. They have many years of in-depth experience in reliability engineering. Working with your professionals or serving as your reliability expert, they support the project team in the engineering, testing and validation phases.
The Holland Innovative Academy offers an extensive reliability program based on the VDI 4002 guidelines in cooperation with the University of Stuttgart, TU Delft and TU Eindhoven.
Sharing knowledge and experiences in the main events and meetings of this sector. We organize and participate in the most relevant events concerning reliability engineering in Europe and also bring the network and expertise to cases.
“Companies are trading off the reliability of their products with recalls and warranties.”
University of Maryland, Director CALCE (Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering)
Our experience and excellence in the execution of our projects can be valuable tools to help you further in your personal development and in the growth of your company.
We are striving to be the world’s leading in all its field of expertise. Keep up to date with all that we share.
Together with you, we face the challenge to share the future and take further steps towards value creation and lasting impact.