- Introduction, reliability glossary
- RBD -Reliability Block Diagrams
- Boolean algebra and probability calculations
- Exercises using BlockSim software
- FTA -FaultTree Analysis; qualitative FTA and quantification of Risks; by hand and with BlockSim
- ETA - Event Tree Analysis
- Relation FTA, RBD, and ETA
Course information
- 5 days
8, 9, 26, 27, & 28 May 2025
The investment is €3.675,- (ex. VAT) per participant. Included are the syllabus of the course material and the book ‘Practical Reliability Engineering’, daily lunch, and drinks.
In addition, 4 times free participation in the Reliability User Group.
Not included are the costs for the theoretical exam and certification by Universität Stuttgart.
RF2 System Reliability.
To cope with the latest economic developments, organizations must develop new products and systems with an intrinsic high level of reliability. RMS (Reliability-Maintenance-Safety) Engineering is an upcoming discipline in product development and helps in getting an integral grip on the Reliability of your product during the Design Phase with accurate and quantitative methods.
Based on the Holland Innovative experiences in design for value projects, this course offers to train you in the analytical reliability methodologies and system level approaches to ensure a high initial reliability designed into your systems. These pro-active methodologies will identify project reliability risks early, quantify these risks, and interrelate the various failure mechanisms within the components. Together this will lead to a complete system reliability analysis.
You will be trained to become a reliability engineering professional. Capable of creating reliability and risk analyses of complex systems. Focusing on early design concepts, these analyses lead to pro-active and solid engineering and management recommendations throughout the entire product creation process. As an expert you will take the lead in projects on the aspect of system reliability, closely cooperating with the six sigma methodologies.

RF2 System Reliability
Save my seat.
- Creating reliability and risk analyses of complex systems
- Take the lead in projects on the aspect of system reliability, closely cooperating with the six sigma methodologies
- Give pro-active and solid engineering and management recommendations
Teaching professionals.

Ir. Elly van den Bliek
Competence Lead Reliability
Dr. Ir. Coen Smits
Scientific Director ReliabilityWhat you’ll learn.
Block 1
Day 1 and 2
Block 2
Day 3, 4, and 5
- FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Introduction to Petri Nets
- Repairable system analysis
- RCA - Root Cause Analysis tools
Practical information.
For whom
The course aims at professionals concerned with design, testing, warranty analysis, reliability, project planning, maintenance, or inspection.
At the end of the last session, the participants will receive a declaration of participation. Moreover, the training can serve as one of the modules to obtain the Certificate Reliability Engineer according to VDI 4002.
The Reliability Foundation Program is a post-graduate education, focusing on the practical aspects of reliability engineering. The program has been developed in accordance with VDI 4002 Reliability guidelines in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart and consists of several modules that will result in a VDI Reliability Engineer certification.
Location & Dates
Eindhoven – High Tech Campus 29
Dates 2025
Session I
8, 9, 26, 27 & 28 May
Session II
11 & 12 September, 1-3 October
Group size
A maximum of 12 participants
Exam Dates
Exam dates 2025
March 25
June 24
November 25
Exams will be held both in Eindhoven as well as in Enschede.