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Holland Innovative’s Risk Management FMEA event showed us the importance of knowledge sharing throughout the value chain

Written by Holland Innovative | Nov 1, 2022 1:40:26 PM

A full day packed with inspiring experts, outstanding presentations and workshops with exciting outcomes: the Risk management FMEA event, held September 15th at ASML, was a big success. Some 650 participants, 500 tuning in remotely, could dive deeply into the crucial world of risk management and Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA).

This day was all about sharing knowledge. Instead of showing how something “needs” to be done by everyone, we looked at the options in various circumstances and tried to learn from the different approaches and perspectives. Sharing each other’s experiences and skills turned out to be much more important than focusing on one specific way of acting.

Hosts Jeroen Oost and Saskia Peters guided the participants from highlight to highlight, along the way empowering them to become better in risk-based thinking, discovering black swans before they occur, and documenting the needs and achievements throughout the value chain.

FMEA hotshots like Carl Carlson, Rob Basten, Tsjerk Hoekstra, Jan Braaksma, Job van der Sande, John Lepper, Tony Vos, and Michiel Goedings were the strongholds during the day. They helped the participants discover that the FMEA process is not just a box to be checked but something that remains relevant and alive throughout every development process. It is a process that must also be applied from beginning to end. We learned that no new products should ever be released without a completed FMEA process.

Some of the most important takeaways:

  • To manage an increasingly complex supply chain, it is essential to collaborate in managing risk in every development phase.
  • Complex products lead to complex risks that are not always easy to manage. Therefore, knowledge sharing within the supply chain is vital.
  • Some companies are just starting with thorough risk management, while others already have a solid process in place. By adding risk management competencies throughout the value chain, everyone in the chain can benefit.
  • Good preparation and an experienced facilitator are critical in any FMEA process.

For co-organizer Holland Innovative, the success of this event is an encouragement to dig even deeper into this theme. “This was a great collaboration between ASML and Holland Innovative, we’ve seen that working with partners always leads to synergy and new opportunities”, Hans Meeske said. The audience was built around people from ASML’s and Holland Innovative’s network of partners and suppliers, many of whom indicated that an event like this should be organized more often, so even more stakeholders can learn from it. “This is exactly what we will do. After a thorough evaluation of this first session, we will, in collaboration with ASML, decide on the exact implementation. But the bottom line is clear: ASML’s whole value chain is well aware of the importance of risk management, let’s continue to bring them up to date around all the dos and don’ts.”

The replay of the event is available at the Knowledge Sharing Centre, click here to get instant access.

Interested in performing a smooth and effective FMEAs and managing for a proper outcome? Click here to learn more about our Failure Mode & Effects Analysis course, or download our FMEA brochure here. You can also talk to one of our specialists about how to improve your risk management and FMEA capabilities.